Wednesday 24 August 2011

Eli's Art Experience

Wnen I was using the indian ink I pressed too hard and I smudged it by accident
but when I got on with it I started getting better and better and better
at it and once I was finished I had to paint to on it with the
same stuff except it was faster to do but when you get to the top you
have to be really careful because it is really sharp at the top and
there was a flower that we had to do which was even harder.

Monday 15 August 2011

Winter at Koputaroa!

WOW!! What a treat! Snow at Koputaroa School. The children have had fun all day - no need for any sports gear today...

Thursday 4 August 2011

HOT Learning Term 3 - Creativity!

Well, we have decided as a junior team to choose a known picture book...and to be creative. We want the children to orchestrate the story with a twist, involving music, theatre, dance and artistic celebration.

Our story... "The Recess Queen".

Room 3 are soooo excited about our small performance. We have been practicing our voices...our lines and our positions. The children are having so much fun during this play, here are a few snippets of what this crazy lot have been doing...